Getting Started

This document will show you how to install yaset, train and apply a model


Here are the steps to follow in order to install yaset.

  1. To install yaset, you need a working Python 3.5+ environment.
  2. You can either download the latest stable version on GitHub or clone the repository if you want the latest development version.
git clone
  1. Install yaset by invoking pip.
pip install .

Prepare the data

yaset accepts CoNLL-like formatted data:

  • One token per line
  • Sequences separated by blank lines

The first column must contain tokens and the last column must contain the labels. You can add as many other columns as you wish, they will be ignored by the system. Columns must be separated by tabulations.

Train a model

To train a model, first make a copy of the configuration sample and adjust the parameters to you situation

cp config.ini config-xp.ini

Invoke the yaset command:

yaset LEARN --config config-xp.ini

Apply a model

To apply a model, run the following command

yaset APPLY --working_dir /path/to/working_dir \
        --input_file /path/to/ \
        --model_path /path/to/pretrained_model